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Community Meeting - October 27, 2022
The 2022 MLB Community Meeting was held on the morning of October 27, 2022, and was virtual and free of charge to participants. The theme for the morning was “Mis-information literacy: strengthening critical thinking in the age of instant news.” Gordon Pennycook from the University of Regina presented a session titled “Intuition, Reason, and Social Media” and Joanna Sanders presented a session titled “Tackling Misinformation Through Digital and Scientific Literacy.”
The 2021 Community Meeting was held virtually on April 21, 2021, to highlight equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in libraries and information institutions. With the theme of “Reaching Out to Diverse Populations: The Diverse Stories of Saskatchewan” the meeting has the goal of providing better understanding of the challenges and experiences of people coming into our library spaces. The event was presented using WebEx Events.
Amanda Fernandez, founder of Inclusifyy Inc. provided the keynote, titled "Effectively Confronting and Dismantling Whiteness, White Supremacy and Oppression in Librarianship." Pauline Streete, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Officer for Research, University of Regina provided insight into how EDI can be embedded into the workplace, in a presentation titled "EDI Principles and Small Acts." Participants shared their appreciation for the thought-provoking content.
The 2018 Meeting at Wanuskewin Heritage Park was themed around the Canadian Federation of Library Associations’ (CFLA) Truth & Reconciliation Report and Recommendations. The MLB extended a formal invitation for the day to include the official Signing Ceremony of the Strategic Alliance between Saskatchewan Public Libraries and the Office of the Treaty Commissioner. The signing immediately preceded the Community Meeting.
The keynote was presented by Mary Culbertson, Treaty Commissioner of Saskatchewan.
A panel of local experts shared their insight and experience with local initiatives. Presenters were:
Camille Callison (University of Manitoba) and Christina Winter (University of Regina) presented on the CFLA Report and lead the break-out session.
The Multitype Library Board cancelled the 2017 community meeting to support the Multitype Database Licensing Program (MDLP) annual general meeting that was held May 24, 2017.
The Multitype Library Board presented a pre-conference session, Library Space Transformation, on May 5, 2016 at the Saskatchewan Libraries Conference. The session brought together library staff from public, school, post-secondary and special libraries.
Patrick Deaton, Associate Director for Learning Spaces and Capital Management at the North Carolina State University Libraries presented The Hunt Library at Age Three: Lessons for Your Library Spaces.
Bill Ptacek, Calgary Public Library CEO presented The Changing Nature of the Physical Library.
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